My way of thinking about how learning will take place in the classroom has not changed too much because I feel like most of these tools are out of reach and too advanced for Pre-K kids to be able to learn and use by themselves or many at that age wouldn't have the resources they need to do it at home. To teach some of these tools at school would take up too much time of the little time we already have to teach everything else that is more essential. Before they learn these technological advances they need to learn fundamentals that will carry them through life and that is the basic of everything. Such as the alphabet, putting the letters together to make words, their sounds, how to make sentences, how to count, quantities etc. To be able to fully understand and use technology to its full capacity they need to focus on learning the fundamentals first.
There wasn't really any unexpected outcomes, I expected for this to be difficult and I somewhat learned new things, I just hope that I can remember them! I'm not surprised that for the Pre-K level most of these tools don't really help too much minus a couple for example the apps on itouches and iphones and the digital storytelling.
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