Friday, August 6, 2010

Tool #11

Although technological advances are helpful in many ways they bring new dangers that are new and scary especially when it involves our children. Before we allow children to learn and play with the new technology they have to learn a few safety rules and understand the responsibility that comes with it.

1. Take as much precaution as possible. The internet can be dangerous and privacy settings should be set and if there are any cases of bullying online to let someone know about it. Just as they want to be treated with respect they must do so with others.

2. Never disclose any personal information to anyone especially if it's someone you just met or don't know! Better yet, don't talk back with anyone who you've never met in person.

3. Don't explore pages that haven't been approved of before by teachers or parents.

I would teach these rules not only by talking to them and giving them examples of the negative consequences but by also demonstrating how we should behave when exploring new possibilities through technology.

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